Thursday, November 6, 2014

All religion sort of somehwere in thr genesis agree upon the fact that god is a super being, something far beyond our reach. Plato said that it is only plausible that THAT GOD is so high that hes unaware of our presence. once it has been established firmly all of these go on to sell how we can achieve un achievable, reach un reachable, understand non understandable and become something which from start we were doomed to only desire.

other places it has been mentioned the one supreme being which was thr in start is long dead and his place has been taken up by lesser gods, gods who are as much infatuated by humans as humans are with them. are these gods created by us? maybe we have created them in order to fulfill our longing for being loved/liked. we want someone to blame for things that go wrong in out life. a god who is so supreme that he no longer has any time for us is of no use to us. Plato's god was good for the purpose of meditation and inspiration, but what we need is someone much closer. a god who will smite the one who wrong us and reward us for small acts of kindness and humanness. afterall thr is no point in being human if we cant flaunt it and get recognised for it.
We can go back as far back in past as we can and we will realise that human beings have always desired for someone who can raise us from our current position and promises us heaven (and multiple virgins along with it ofcourse). We are selfish beings who would declar war upon someone who doesnt agree with our ideas and call our benefactor impotent. we want our god to know that we are all for him, and if anyone raises any question about his authenticity or power god forbid we will grind them in dust and scatter his bones to winds.

Friday, August 31, 2012

Thank u god for making me what I am

Every now and than, we all feel compelled to thank our /god/stars/guardian angels/gaon mata/tribal lord/etc etc. for multitudes of reasons. These reasons could be as trivial as a smile from someone u have a crush on or maybe ur boss/teacher/prof/client being on leave or lets say u got unexpectedly higher rating/marks/offer or any such thing.

But today I realized one more reason to thank my XYZ (fill in based on ur beliefs), I realized being a guy with very limited social skills is saving me from many awkward questions life might throw at me, these questions in turn will put me in a moral dilemma. its not that I am afraid of any sort of moral dilemma (I have a fairly robust moral system, which only once in a blue moon gets overridden by factors hugely affecting convenience).

So what exactly is this moral dilemma I am talking about, you see I believe making a friend is more or less similar to taking on a liability, u cant just make a new friend and forget old ones. So than what?? what happens is that as a result of this, as time passes set of friends gets bigger and bigger. However even though we all understand that one can not spend same amount of time with his friends through different phases of life, still each one of them consumes a little amount of time, energy, efforts and some space on already limited hard drive of ur mind.

So u will ask how exactly being a guy with limited social skills is saving me a moral dilemma, u see I was going through my fb page and suddenly one thing caught my attention. This thing was unexpectedly high number of female friend suggestion (all of them having quite a decent number of common friends already). I asked myself, what have I done lately to change the social web structure around me so drastically???

Well I decided to snoop around a little and before long I realized that recently there has been a huge influx of new students in my most recent college, and by one way or another many of them have find there way into friend lists of my batchmates. Now it got me thinking, what if 10 or 20 of these females have tried wriggling there way into my friend-list as well??

That would have been most trying thing for me, attraction of befriending 10-20 extremely attractive young females would have been pitted against reality of coping up with already overflowing fb friend list. I am not sure how many of you have already experienced something of this sort in past. but nonetheless, to those who don't find it a matter of concern, I must express my feelings of extreme awe. I also want to give out a salute resulting from heart felt admiration to those of you who are not only managing these situations but dare I say even find it desirable to keep on expanding these complex social webs.

Now why do I feel lucky to be a guy with limited social skills??? well I am not going to spell that out here,,, either u get my point or there is no point at all,,, but if u have felt sth even remotely similar to what I have tried to describe here,,, please share your experience, tips, stories related with those dealing... :)

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Horns of a dilemma

this is something I was trying to do for a long time, well here it is, my first Pictureblog... :)

Location: Bikaner
Time: Evening
Weather: Extremely cold (2-3 Degree Celsius)

The incident I m going to tell ya abt is the dilemma that one might face when confronted with demands of those u care abt...

Here is the picture of evil barafwala/golewala/chattewala (and if u dont know what all these words means,,, close this page and go spend ur time on fb or sth,,, this is not a story for u)

and here is the gang of kids as one might suspect to be found at a joint like this


finally the damsel in distress, the little girl who had one full gola so far and lost one due to mischievous behavior of a fellow,,, the girl wont listen to her mom's command of not having any more of this icy treat on a cold evening like today, and insists (quite stubbornly) on having one last helping of this sinful dish

she wont leave the place no matter wat, and looks hungrily at the other kids who get to enjoy one gola (while her mother which is quit worried for the health of young one,, keeps a watchful eye on her in the background)


being denied the joy of flavored ice balls, the protagonist decides to carry own with her desires and having an idea of feasting on classic non flavored ice pieces,, she starts collecting them which r created as a by-product of the main operation...

she devours these with a rather ferocious appetite, which worries her mom,,, and when asked to move away from the crime scene,, she cries her lungs out "CHATAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"


trapped between the desire of keeping the child safe from winter chill and fulfilling her dangerous wish,, the prudent mother give way to loving heart and child gets permission to enjoy one more

our vendor immediately starts the task and prepares a QUEEN size gola


which in turn is topped by sparking kesar flavor

a long held dream comes true, and she gets a brand new ice gola

spoils of the victory are enjoyed along with friends in all good spirit


loaded with her gola, she decides to shake a leg ;)

and finally to wrap up the story,, I give u a close up of little angel enjoying her gola...

Hope u enjoyed the version of world as I see it,,, :)

Sunday, June 19, 2011

one of many things

There are many things that enables us to maintain what is known as social order, and one of the most important of them is tolerance for what others throw at you...

There r many things we don't like doing, saying, listening, seeing, smelling, or sitting through,,, but instead of rejecting them out-rightly, we go through them,,, for example, we tolerate ego of dear ones, whacky sense of humor of friends, Self-righteousness superiority of boss/professors, undesirable virtue of those with power, untameable human right activist, unappreciated beauty pageants, immoral politicians, and the list goes on and on and on...

but no matter how bad things go, we kept on going, we never complain or never walk away, because all the bad things mentioned above makes us human, make us tolerable, make us vulnerable as well as strong,,, the day we all become what is knows as perfect we will lose what is popularly known as HUMAN TOUCH...

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

good going bad

have u ever wondered where do all the bad things start,, remember when all of us were kids and we use to think, I wont be a bad guy,,, ill always play by the rules, no matter what happens.. and we used to tell ourself,, well this jerk sitting next to me has got nthng to do with how I will turn out to be...

well guess what, he is the one who will take u for a ride to all the way to the top and than push u over the edge,,, now see it this way.. everyday we encounter them,,, they are the ones who suck life blood out of society,, they are the ones who will leave AC, cooler and tv on bc they know that costs r shared,,, so they can enjoy the hell out of environment,,, bc well someone else is paying for it,,,

they make u realize that dude u r paying for this asshole, while all he is doing is letting that water run, or that tv on... so starting from next day u also do the same,,,

well I guess tats the cost associated with living in society,, one has to play by the social norms, even if that means letting jerks get away with things they should be punished for... so much for a civilised society...

Friday, December 24, 2010

String theory

By most general and simple account "strings are really 1-dimensional slices of a 2-dimensional membrane vibrating in 11-dimensional space" now what the hell was all that,,, well that was something to send you off the guard and make some of those non-deserving ones close the page,,,

And now lets get to the point...

I like string theory,,, not because I understand it,,, but simply because it helps me explain a lot of things,, yeh it does,,,

It tells me that there exist a world where we always got what we wanted and not what we deserved,,, don't u hate it when every time u fail in getting sth u really wanted and some demigod comes along and tells ya that "well life has sth better in store for u"... and u r like "yeh yeh sure,,, but not in this world"...

Still not convinced???
Ok, remember when u were in school,, people used to tell you beta bas abhi padh lo jindagi sudhar jayegi,,, and u did (well small number of outliers always exist but still u did studied, at least upto ur own limit u did,,,),, but to what end,,, but u know what,,, string theory tells ya that there exist a world in which u didn't studied and did watever u liked and by some miracle u r happy,,, well tat would be sth,,, wouldn't it???

So did u ever wondered what it would be like to have multiple of yourself,, each one of them moving in n dimensional space,,, giving birth to multiple opportunities and innumerable possibilities,,,

Infinite worlds,,, multiple output to each and every attempt that u made,,, all are there,,, all u have to imagine is that yes somewhere, someplace I got wat I was looking for,,, think abt it,, I have been... ;)

Sunday, October 10, 2010

one can never have enough of

numbers (or should I say big numbers) have a strange way of attracting us,,, even if they doesnt matter to the extent we credit them,,,

I was and still find myself under the spell of many pointless attractions, some of them have meant a lot (like growing waist line or weight for that matter), some other are rather useless like number of fb friends or likes on a particular post (for some its a very dear number,,, and I guess phrase "larger is better" was invented bc of them)

Some other growing numbers are very (what should I say mmmm) EDUCATIVE, like number of rejections (crushes;)), or number of movies seen (yes I considers watching movies as a serious stuff)

Numbers which go down also mean a lot for me, like my balance, no of wearable formals as the week progresses, and last but not the least no of people who can inspire masses left on the planet...

there r numbers I m really bothered with,,, like no of people in gtalk list (what one can do for that), no of pages in a book, veg dishes on offer in a menu...

and than we have numbers we cant have enough of,, did I hear friends, college and school years, S_X (the word is SOX;), One can never have enough socks,, Dumbledore's vision in mirror of Erised)...

and I rest my tongue...

Friday, May 7, 2010

Bach going Picasso

Two story came to notice describing differential importance attributed to work of art by society,, first one about how a intricate piece of musical composition was ignored by mere mortals in great city of Washington DC,,,

second was about a painting being sold for a staggering amount of US$ 106 million in a similar city called New York,, (to put the amount into perspective, it can feed 66 million hungry schoolchildren around the globe for approximately 12 days)

in first story they raise questions about ability of common man to appreciate beauty of art in his everyday environment, they argue that we the common man are not bothered about their so called great piece of art,, one question came to my mind,,, wat if it isnt a piece of great art??? wat if all this is a illusion created to sell those 100$ tickets...

lots of us complain about dumb looking pieces of canvas being sold for million of dollars (story 2 is a proof),,, but not many complain about work of Mozart, Bach,,,, why they r untouchables...

I value things which are important to me,,, same goes for each one of us,,, songs sung by unknown throats using crude pieces of metals serving as musical instruments make our day...why m I supposed to go crazy about things which r beyond my comprehension,,,

after all they say beauty lies in the eye of beholder,,,

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

no gandhi in my friend list

I have a uncontrollable habit of disliking people for reasons obvious to me and foolish to others,,, how many times they tell me,,, kishna he is such a nice person y u cant be friend with him... and I m like,,, I m not looking for a Jesus christ to save my soul,,, all I want is a frnd who can be with me and accepts me with all my annoying habits... if I need a saviour I will go sit outside a temple looking for one...

consider this,,, would u like to have a saintly guy as ur friend who is so good with every tom-dick-and-harry that he meets that he has hardly have any time for u,,, or u would like to hang out with a "honest evil" who is always there when u need him,,, how does it matter if he is a member of a satanic cult or sth,,,

my personal experiences tells me that those who are most famous (because of being good) and pure at heart person are almost always late to reply when u need help,,, infact these grey zone friends are the ones who respond first,,, my speculation is that these good ones have so many obligations that they cant help it,,, even if they want to (which I m sure they do)..

so here is the thing... I give u a word "good-friend"... now do not read it separately,,, its a single word,,, I dont want u to be mother teresa or jesus christ,,, just be good to me,,, or at least honest,,, no need to turn urself into a saint...

and a last thought,,, I m not looking forward to befriending every person on this planet,,, so if I miss out on some good ones,,, I honestly dont care,,, as long as the core group is maintained.., I m good,,,

Sunday, February 21, 2010

barking at the wrong tree

well it started with a video I was watching on fb,,, it was published by PETA,,, advising very passionately to turn oneself into vegetarian,, and using arguments like how it is inhuman behaviour to use animals for our own benefits and how healthy it could be for a person to turn him/herself in a vegetarian....
now tat started a chain of thought,,, we as a human are we really responsible for other inhabitants of this planet,,, means should it matter to me that whether or not my fellow non homosepians getting there fair share of planet or not...can we realistically afford to BE A that a sustainable proposition in first place?
everything that we do to further our dominance on this planet can easily be described as in-human,,, we dig up earth to extract metal for our fancy motorcycle,,, we we do drilling in sea and deserts to get oil to run these devils of machines... we contaminate air by gases,,, we pollute sea with oil spills, fishing and wat not,,,
if we were to give animals, plants, sea there share of planet,,, we will need to finish off at least 80% of our population and go back to stone age,,, so they can have a there earth back...
are we ready to do that??? I dont know,,, I guess it would be difficult to garner supermajority required to do that,,,
one last point,, I sometime come across arguments stating how GOD gonna sit on his mighty throne and judge us all one fine day,,, now what I was thinking is that if this almighty fella is even slightly concerned about our treatment of our fellow nonhomospeians,, he would order all of us to burn in hades pit for rest of eternity,,,
so those who check there behaviour in light of good and bad,,, need not worry,,, we all are DOOMED,,, and hell we dont want to do anything about it,,, DO WE???

Saturday, February 13, 2010

rules of convenience

my first encounter was in class 9,,, tat time I used to sit in first row of class (guys dont take it otherwise,,, I was young and stupid,,, and beside my class had only two rows... it was very small,,, 12 kids in all)... so coming back to point... a new gal take admission (taking the total to wat 4,,, yeh guys ratio was decent),,, so now wat happens is tat,, I was told to make place for the gal (till than my cousin used to share a bench with me,,, now it was decided that new gals should sit there)...
well I protested,,, to whom?? to my English teacher,, who also happens to be principal and a open supporter of similar treatment for boys and gals,, in his lectures given at prayer time... my argument was simple... well boys and gals r same,,, she can sit with anyone she wants to,,, wats the big deal??? y u want gals to be stuffed in a close pack,, its supposed to be co-ed...
his statement was also simple,,, NO... u got to make place for her,,, she needs it,,, I asked Y?,,, he said cause she is gal,,,
next wat... well u know
I was forcefully moved to the last row (practically second row,, figuratively last row) (and afterwards I always stayed in last two rows of class,,, not to show my everlasting protest,,, well its kinda comfortable back there)...
well result was,,, my image among gals was hurt,, SERIOUSLY,,,
well next school, coaching and college could be best described as boys only for all practical purposes,,, barring some cultural fest days,,, they never gave me much chance to interact and eventually pick up a fight with gals...
scene changes,,, cut to Bombay,,,
I realized tat in certain places there is a rule called stag entry and couple entry,,,
if u happen to belong to a bunch of single guys,, and dont have any fairer sex to accompany u,, either u need to pay extra money,,, or u r simply not accepted,,, well its ok,,, they have some decorum to maintain,,, and must be having some sort of minimum sex ratio rule (like some hotshot companies do),,, I assumed so and was kinda ok with it...
scene changes,,, cut to Bangalore,,,
now there r places where if u go in a group of guys only,,, u need to pay entry fee,,, gals r obliged with free entry,,, (I can name one place,,, but I guess there must be others also,,, so I m not putting tat one name also)...I wasnt very happy with the thing,,, but WTH,,, its just about entry,,, after tat its ok...
scene changes,,, cut to Chennai,,, (I havent visited Chennai yet,,, this information is acquired during conversation with a very good friend of mine)
now there r places where gals r provided with FREE BOOZE,,, and at the same time guys need to shell out hard earned papers printed with coloured photo of father of our nation...
now the point I m talking abt is isnt there a mass hypocrisy going on,,, supported by... well all parties involved,,, means have u ever encountered a situation where any of ur female friend/colleague complaining about any such thing,,, well I coudnt,, if u,, pass me the contact,, I shall fell very much obliged and happy to meet someone like that...
dont think I m against hypocrisy,,, nop I m not,,, I do things I advice others not to do,,, hell I like it and I m proud of it,, why??? precisely because I have earned it...(stolen from one of my fav movie ;)
so wat is the whole point of all this,,, simple one liner,,,
gals plz dont say treat us equally,,, cause u dont want tat,,,
and guys hell u cant do anything,,, u r already mesmerized by her smile,,, u r one hopeless case,,,:P... and as usual I m no exception,,,
so I would rest my case,,, with a line: "everybody follows rules of convenience,,,we all are selfish... only difference is between whether u can accept it or not "

Thursday, February 4, 2010

color value of time

yeh I am back,,, feels like I m having lots of time to kill or may be I have lost any regard watsoever I used to have for such a precious quantity,,, means comeon,, wat is the use of ur time,, its urs,, all urs,,, nobody can take it away,,, all they can do it try and change ur feelings towards it,,, but those feelings that u r so jealously protecting, are they real?
I was thinking why they say,, live in present not in past or future,,, can we actually do tat??? no matter how much I m convinced that my past was a glorious era,,, I cant go and live in it.... and though I have lots of expectation from my future,,, if I m ruining my present for tat,,, my ideas says I m cheating with former self of mine,,, who had a hope for a better future ( which happens to be present of mine) dont worry abt future,,, and past toh is the biggest looser...u know a happy past usually bring pain,,, and a painful one a smile,,, so how does one handle this black and white puzzle,,, what is black today will change to white tomorrow,,,
maybe this concept of black and white is flawed,,, what if there is no white,,, only black,,, white is just a combination of lots of colors,,,maybe at the start of time when someone was not able to explain what this mixture means he named it white,,, and we all jumped upon it as THE big thing,,, for all we know happiness could be just an illusion,, created to keep mankind busy,,,
huh!! who cares,, given a chance what would u choose,,, "a fools heaven" or "a hell made up of reality"... choice is not so difficult,,,
anyways dont take life so seriously,,, nobody gets out of it alive,,,

Friday, January 29, 2010

no issue to talk abt...

when I chose name for my blog I thought everything changes,,,, u know, there was a concept called college life once and suddenly all changed, u realize now life has multiple responsibilities whose order of importance is also varying, and the switch is controlled by some freak sitting in comfortable shiny leather seat in a corner office of a multistory building,,, and what we are doing,, well trying to become one ourselve...
well last thing I want to do is start a topic on purpose of life itself,,,I realize humanity has been to trying to solve this question for centuries, and I for one am not in mood to go out of my lazy ways and change natures way,,,
so what should I talk about,,, well most of the time I have no idea what I m talking abt, so let it be one of those only,,,
u know there r several things I would like u guys to know and ask ur opinion,,, but at the end of the day important questions is weather or not ur opinion counts for sth,,, (and yes u can take offence also,,, but keep in mind,,, r u sure that gonna count for sth???) means we can talk abt global warming, rising china, self praising Indian politicians, career goals, romantically challanged engg (read IITians), human rights, religious fanaticism, inflation, bollywood movies,blah, blah, blah,, but WTF,, y should we,,, let it be like old days only...
we sit,, we chat,, we get up,,
and now that its over,,, no need to prepare "minutes of the meeting",,,
the discussion was not to bring about a revolution or change the world...
cause I dont want to change the world,, or take up a topic,,,