Thursday, November 6, 2014

All religion sort of somehwere in thr genesis agree upon the fact that god is a super being, something far beyond our reach. Plato said that it is only plausible that THAT GOD is so high that hes unaware of our presence. once it has been established firmly all of these go on to sell how we can achieve un achievable, reach un reachable, understand non understandable and become something which from start we were doomed to only desire.

other places it has been mentioned the one supreme being which was thr in start is long dead and his place has been taken up by lesser gods, gods who are as much infatuated by humans as humans are with them. are these gods created by us? maybe we have created them in order to fulfill our longing for being loved/liked. we want someone to blame for things that go wrong in out life. a god who is so supreme that he no longer has any time for us is of no use to us. Plato's god was good for the purpose of meditation and inspiration, but what we need is someone much closer. a god who will smite the one who wrong us and reward us for small acts of kindness and humanness. afterall thr is no point in being human if we cant flaunt it and get recognised for it.
We can go back as far back in past as we can and we will realise that human beings have always desired for someone who can raise us from our current position and promises us heaven (and multiple virgins along with it ofcourse). We are selfish beings who would declar war upon someone who doesnt agree with our ideas and call our benefactor impotent. we want our god to know that we are all for him, and if anyone raises any question about his authenticity or power god forbid we will grind them in dust and scatter his bones to winds.