Sunday, October 10, 2010

one can never have enough of

numbers (or should I say big numbers) have a strange way of attracting us,,, even if they doesnt matter to the extent we credit them,,,

I was and still find myself under the spell of many pointless attractions, some of them have meant a lot (like growing waist line or weight for that matter), some other are rather useless like number of fb friends or likes on a particular post (for some its a very dear number,,, and I guess phrase "larger is better" was invented bc of them)

Some other growing numbers are very (what should I say mmmm) EDUCATIVE, like number of rejections (crushes;)), or number of movies seen (yes I considers watching movies as a serious stuff)

Numbers which go down also mean a lot for me, like my balance, no of wearable formals as the week progresses, and last but not the least no of people who can inspire masses left on the planet...

there r numbers I m really bothered with,,, like no of people in gtalk list (what one can do for that), no of pages in a book, veg dishes on offer in a menu...

and than we have numbers we cant have enough of,, did I hear friends, college and school years, S_X (the word is SOX;), One can never have enough socks,, Dumbledore's vision in mirror of Erised)...

and I rest my tongue...